
Tungsten Oxide Photocatalyst
Author:中鎢在線    Source:偽原創(chuàng)    Update Time:2016-3-29 18:44:06

Tungsten Oxide Photocatalyst

Tungsten oxide photocatalyst is developed by Toshiba. It is a new product that has super decomposition, antibacterial, deodorizing, catalytic activity under low light intensity indoor environment. It is the world's first indoor visible light photocatalyst product which efficiently decomposes indoor harmful gases and bacteria to ensure the quality and safety of indoor air. The decomposition and catalytic capacity of tungsten oxide photocatalyst is more than 30 times the current widespread use of titanium oxide photocatalyst. It is widely called as the most safe purification materials.


The main principle of titania photocatalyst is using UV reaction to decompose and catalysis. It requires 6000Lx to fully react. If there is not enough intensity of the lighting, it can not play its photocatalytic effect. But the tungsten oxide photocatalyst can play high effect just only under weak visible light.


The principle of tungsten oxide photocatalyst:

The basic principle of tungsten oxide photocatalyst comes from nano TiO2 under light irradiation (UV or visible light) producing a photocatalytic effect. There is need to use special spray gun connected high-pressure pump that the liquid is sprayed on the walls or furniture surface. Tungsten oxide photocatalyst is easily drying, so quickly form a layer of colorless transparent film on the surface. The film produce photochemical action after receiving light, In this process, the harmful gases (formaldehyde, benzene, total volatile organic compound TVOC, etc.) are decomposed into harmless carbon dioxide and water. Finally discharge to the outdoors. Achieve the purification of indoor air and kill bacteria, virus effect.


As long as have the light, the decomposition reaction will continue and the service life up to 3 ~ 15 years. One time construction can solve the indoor air pollution and disinfection permanently. It is the most ideal antibacterial sterilization and processing indoor environment pollution material in the international.


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