Northaven Historical Report on Tungsten Copper
Northaven Resources Corp. is pleased to announce that it has obtained an historical technical report dated 1971 containing a positive feasibility review and recommendation for production at that time on its Regal Silver polymetallic mine property 31 km north east of Revelstoke, B.C. accessed by a 10 kilometer mine service road off the Trans-Canada Highway. The Report, written by M. C. Robinson, P.Eng. and J.D. Guild in May 1971, contains a complete feasibility review of the Regal Silver Mine, including a reserve report, mine plan, processing recommendations and mill plans. The Report, which was prepared using a silver price of $1.75 per troy ounce makes a positive recommendation for production, including the establishment of a 500 ton per day concentrator with a 400 ton per day silver, lead and zinc circuit and a 100 ton per day tin, tungsten and copper circuit. Metallurgical recoveries, based upon an extensive metallurgical study conducted by Energy, Mines and Resources in Ottawa and 10 others, which were subsequently reviewed by Bacon Donaldson, Vancouver, are 86% for silver, 90% for lead and 70% for zinc with 64% recovery of tungsten, with the majority of the silver reporting with the lead. The Regal Silver Mine has had a long and varied history with small amounts of production up to 1953. The Mine is largely developed with over 22,000 feet (6,707 meters) of horizontal adits, cross-cuts and raises over ten levels in place which cover a vertical distance approximately 1,000 feet (305 meters) from the No 1 level at the 5,555 feet (1,693.6 meter) elevation down to the No. 10 level at 4,555 feet (1,388.7 meter) elevation. Very little work and no known production has taken place since completion of the Report in 1971. Mineralization within the mine is comprised of galena, sphalerite, pyrite, tetrahedryite, cassiterite, stannite, scheelite and various silver minerals in a quartz-carbonate matrix deposited in fracture zones. These zones are expressed as a series of sub-parallel structurally controlled veins, striking northwesterly and dipping to the northeast at angles varying between 65 degrees near surface, flattening to nearly 25 degrees at 300 meters of depth, which vary in width from 1 foot to 30 feet (0.3 to 9.1 meters), with an average width of nearly 8 feet (2.44 meters).
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