Platypus Minerals farming into Pilbara Tungsten Copper Tenement
Gobbos is a strongly defined Archaean copper-porphyry prospect marked by coincident geological, geochemical and geophysical signatures on the northern flank of the McPhee Dome in the Pilbara Craton with copper mineralisation initially identified in 1966. Costean sampling in 1987 yielded 13 metres at 4.28% copper, 110ppm molybdenum and 81 grams per tonne silver while prior surface sampling returned up to 41%, 29 ounce per tonne silver and 0.6% molybdenum from gossan. The copper-molybdenum mineralisation is contained within a 1.5 kilometre by 1 kilometre copper-in-soil anomaly. Despite being recognised since the early 1970s the most prospective targets have yet to be drilled. Gobbos is a relatively simple exploration target that is effectively drill-ready, pending routine due dilligence, including mapping and verification of past sampling results. E45/3326 also contains the Cyclops Nickel Prospect. This is defined by four distinct helicopter-borne VTEM nickel anomalies within basement ultramafic rocks beneath outcropping basalts and shales. These anomalies potentially represent massive sulphide deposits and would require confirmation by ground based surveys ahead of drilling. Platypus is earning up to a 75% interest in the permit, which hosts the Gobbos Copper Prospect, by sole funding up to $1 million in exploration expenditure from Gondwana Resources. Proactive Investors Australia is the market leader in producing news, articles and research reports on ASX “Small and Mid-cap” stocks with distribution in Australia, UK, North America and Hong Kong / China.
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