
Submicron Grain Size Violet Tungsten Oxide

Submicron grain size violet tungsten oxide’s morphology is the most special one among tungsten oxides including yellow tungsten oxide, violet tungsten oxide, blue tungsten oxide and brown tungsten oxide. The morphology of VTO is a needle-shaped crystal like APT crystal form.

The quality of submicron violet tungsten oxide directly affects the production and quality of tungsten powder and tungsten carbide powder. Therefore, how to judge the quality of violet tungsten oxide is becoming the emphasis of studying.

Determining the quality of violet tungsten oxide by using colorimetry --- make several types of violet tungsten oxide into standard sample in accordance with the unique color of VTO, refer to the standard color to determine its quality.colorimetry testing submicron grain size violet tungsten oxide picture
Colorimetry is a method to determine the quality of violet tungsten oxide by directly controlling and detecting, which does not have the disadvantages of the original detection method. The original use of phase composition or scanning electron microscopy to detect and control the quality of VTO is cumbersome with high testing costs, and sometimes it even fail to control quality.

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