
Tungsten Alloy X-ray Shield

Lead shield is a thing of past. Tungsten alloy X-ray shield, a newly developed poison-free shielding partition, is the future in hospitals or dental clinics, which can fully protect the medical workers and patients from different radiation resources such as X-rays. It has been reported that tungsten alloy X-ray shield is safe as it is non-toxic, fire-resistant and anti-corrosion with premium stability. Also, it features excellent sound insulation properties. And it can create an excellent and robust surface.

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According to the researchers, X-ray technology is an important part of modern radiological medicine. In order to protect doctors and patients, it is need to use protective material to shield X-ray. Traditional X-ray protective materials contain lead. But lead is poisonous, and its waste can pollute environment. Besides, lead’s shielding effect is not very good. So, the researchers developed a new kind of radiation protective material using tungsten alloy to offset low-absorb area of lead. The shielding performance of such a tungsten alloy X-ray shield is better.

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