
Transparent Thermal Insulation Material: Tungsten Trioxide Nanopowder

Tungsten trioxide nanopowder is a kind of transparent thermal insulation material, which is mainly used for building energy efficiency, such as film of building glass (skylight, glass door, glass window, etc.), and auto film. So, it is necessary to do various researches on tungsten trioxide. In the future, the application of tungsten trioxide may be more extensive. Therefore, its research becomes more important.transparent thermal insulation material tungsten trioxide nanopowder picture
Shear Surface of Tungsten Oxide
The molecular formula of tungsten trioxide is usually written in the form of WO3-y, as there are always different levels of oxygen vacancy in the tungsten trioxide material. In fact, the crystal structure of WO3-y is very complicated. As the number of oxygen vacancies increases, their distribution within the WO3-y crystal also becomes orderly, forming the so-called shear surface:
(1) If y<0.02, these shear surfaces are randomly distributed. In other words, they are distributed in all directions.
(2) If y≥0.02, these shear surfaces appear parallel to each other. And the order degree of surface arrangement is also increasing with the increase of reduction degree.

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