
Transparent Thermal Insulation Material: Nano Particle Size Tungsten Trioxide

Nano particle size tungsten trioxide is a type of material for producing transparent thermal insulation material, which is of environmental protection without pollution. And therefore, tungsten trioxide nanopowder has potential applications in heat-insulating building glass. For instance, offices, hotels, exhibition halls, and sunrooms may promote the use of such heat insulation materials. Of course, such heat-insulating glass may also be applied to glass of vehicles such as passenger aircrafts, automobiles, and oil tankers, etc.transparent thermal insulation material nano particle size tungsten trioxide picture
Nano tungsten trioxide powder is also a photocatalyst that can be used in photocatalytic degradation of organic matter. The photocatalytic degradation of organic matter by tungsten trioxide is as follows: 100mL of rhodamine B aqueous solution (10 mg?L-1) or the same concentration of methyl orange aqueous solution and 50mg of tungsten trioxide photocatalyst were added to the quartz cup, ultrasonication was carried out for 10min in the dark and stirring was continued for 40min to achieve adsorption equilibrium. At this time, 4mL of the suspension was taken out and centrifuged (10000 r?min-1) to obtain a supernatant, which was marked as an initial concentration C0. The original solution which was not subjected to semiconductor adsorption was labeled as C00. Place the system under a 300W xenon lamp and select whether to add a filter in front of the lamp head according to the absorption of the synthesized material. The suspension requires a certain amount of agitation under light conditions to allow rapid mass transfer and contact between the target degradant and the catalyst throughout the system. At regular intervals, 4mL of the suspension was taken out from the system, and the supernatants were obtained by centrifugation at 10,000 r?min-1 at different time periods, and the concentrations were labeled C1, C2, C3, respectively. The concentration of the supernatant at different time periods was then measured using an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer. This is because the concentration of the substance is proportional to the absorption of the maximum absorption peak of the substance, so the concentration of the substance is expressed by the measured absorption brightness.

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