
Discoloration l Tungsten Trioxide 1/3
Author:qiongyao    Source:chinatungsten online    Update Time:2015-12-23 14:44:55

Discoloration l Tungsten Trioxide 1/3

Tungsten oxide electrochromic properties (electrochromism) refer to a specific material in a certain field or voltage is applied, the material itself undergoes a reversible color change or transmittance phenomenon. WO3 is a typical cathode electrochromic material, especially because of the amorphous WO3 films having high coloring efficiency, good reversibility, response time is short, long life, low cost, scope coloring and optical change when fading wider etc., are considered one of the electrochromic material of the most promising. WO3 electrochromic process is generally represented by the following formula: WO3 (transparent) + x (M + e-) ← → MxW6 + (1-x) W5 + xO3 (blue). Here M + = H +, Li +, Na +, 0 <x≤1, e- is an electron. When the electron and ion implantation transparent WO3 film, the film was blue, when the ions and electrons are extracted, the film changed back to its original transparent state. This is due partly +6 W6 + is reduced to a valence of + W5 valent tungsten bronze MxWO3 generate sake. Electricity-related properties of WO3 electrochromic main object of study is WO3 film. The optical transmittance modulation curve plotted by cyclic voltammetry, the film material can be obtained reversibly coloring and bleaching Li electrolyte solution.

Under the same scanning conditions, coloring mesoporous film rapidly than the corresponding non-template film, and its own bleach faster than coloring electrochromic available is based on the injection and extraction ion nano mesoporous agencies to shorten the path of ion diffusion, thereby improving the response speed. To prepare a uniform dense nano Ag thin film by a vacuum coating method, and then depositing thereon a layer of electrochemically WO3, preparation of nano Ag / WO3 composite film. Ultraviolet different voltages applied to the membrane in the electrolyte solution when - visible absorption spectra show: a voltage of 0.8V when the film is a colorless, with potential decreases, the membrane from dedoping state into doping state, the potential is reduced -1.0V when its color changes to dark blue, the voltage increased to 0.8V, reversible color to colorless. Further contrast WO3 film composite membrane response time shorter, larger optical contrast, better stability. Pulse sprays pyrolysis of ammonium tungstate as precursor fibers obtained WO3 film, and by cyclic voltammetry analysis to test its electrochromic properties. The results show that due to the unique micro-fibrous structure sample rate discoloration and fading rate it higher, that of electrochromic device application and development is very important.

The use of controlled hydrolysis precursor WCl6 generate WO3 microcrystals make it TiO2 nanotube layer modification, and prepared samples for testing. The samples, pure TiO2 nanotubes and sample after annealing at 450 ℃ in reflectance spectra were analyzed at different voltages can be found coloration and fade time samples were 3.6s and 2.8s. This is a sample three shortest response times. This shows that the modification on TiO2 nanotube WO3 crystallites have a significant electrochromic properties.

In addition, nanotechnology research related WO3 electrochromic rods have also been reported. WO3 nanorods prepared using the aluminum nano lattice DC magnetron sputtering method with anodic oxidation method, the use of UV-visible spectrophotometer test materials under cyclic voltage electrical electrochromic properties. Tests showed samples of deep blue to colorless change, a good follow the ions and electrons of double injection theory.

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ArticleInputer:qiongyao    Editor:qiongyao 
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