
Industrial Grade Ammonium Paratungstate

Industrial grade ammonium paratungstate is ammonium paratungstate for industrial use, whose specific content standard is determined based on product attributes.

Industrial grade ammonium paratungstate is classified in accordance with the application of ammonium paratungstate like reagent grade ammonium paratungstate. Reagent grade ammonium paratungstate, such as AR ammonium paratungstate, is commonly used in laboratories for analyzing.

Generally, the purity of industrial grade ammonium paratungstate is always lower than that of reagent grade ammonium paratungstate such as AR ammonium paratungstate.industrial grade ammonium paratungstate image
There are also industrial grade products in other industries, such as the electronics industry. In general, the grade for military use is of best quality, followed by the one for industrial use, then for commercial use, and finally for civil use. Take power supply as an example:
1. The power supply for military use requires strict requirements on waterproof performance, fireproof performance, shockproof performance and electromagnetic resistance.
2. The requirements of power supply for industrial use are not as strict as military use’s, but it also has certain requirements for waterproofing performance and fire resistance;
3. The power supply for commercial use has lower requirements on waterproof and fireproof performance than that of power supply for industrial use;
4. The power supply of for civil use is the power supply that we generally use. There are not strict requirements on this type of power supply.

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