
A New Lithium Battery Anode Material: Yellow Tungsten Oxide

Yellow tungsten oxide, or tungsten trioxide (WO3), is a new lithium battery anode material. As is well-known, graphite is the anode material of lithium ion batteries that have been commercialized currently. While research on new anode materials for lithium-ion batteries is still a top priority, because graphite has some shortcomings, such as lower specific capacity, more side reactions, and poor layered structure stability.

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a new lithium battery anode material: yellow tungsten oxide image

Studies have shown that the lithium adsorption position of WO3 lies between the tungsten-oxygen plane and forms a lithium-oxygen plane with oxygen atoms outside the tungsten-oxygen plane. The three stable adsorption sites of lithium by WO3 are shown as following as:
1. The position in the lithium-oxygen plane corresponding to the center of the oxygen triangle and the oxygen hexagon;
2. The location of oxygen atoms in the tungsten-oxygen plane;
3. The corresponding position in the lithium-oxygen plane corresponding to a short distance offset along the center of the oxygen hexagon.

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