
Radiation-proof Tungsten Alloy Door Application

Radiation-proof tungsten alloy door has stronger radiation absorption capacity than the traditional lead door, and it is non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Therefore, its application has attracted more and more researchers' attention. X-rays, γ-rays and other radioactive sources are required for relevant examinations and treatments in many departments of the hospital. However, radiation does harm to people passing by or waiting for outside these departments. Therefore, shielding doors are needed. Wherein, radiation-proof tungsten alloy door is considered to be a new radiation protection door that is expected to replace the lead door. Well, what are the applications of tungsten alloy doors?

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In fact, as long as there are radioactive materials, the surrounding environment should be protected to prevent the emission of radiation. In hospitals, these places include medical imaging rooms, radiotherapy rooms, X-ray rooms, interventional treatment channels, nuclear medicine radiology departments, nuclear medicine laboratories, and so on. In a special period when pneumonia infected with novel coronaviruses is raging all over the world, the radiation-proof tungsten alloy door may isolate the radiation, but not the love.

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