
Cesium Tungsten Oxide Applied for Near-infrared Absorption Film

Cesium tungsten oxide for preparing near-infrared absorption film may be Cs0.33WO3 nano particles or Cs0.32WO3 nano particles. Assuming that Cs0.33WO3 nanopowder is used as the dingal material, as the particle size of Cs0.33WO3 used will affect the near-infrared shielding effect of the prepared near-infrared absorption film, it is necessary to know what factors will affect the particle size of Cs0.33WO3 during preparation process.

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cesium tungsten oxide applied for near-infrared absorption film picture

Ball milling time. Some experts have studied the influence of ball milling time on the particle size of Cs0.33WO3. The results show that the average particle size of the nanoparticles decreases first and then increases after 3, 6, and 9 h of ball milling. This shows that moderate ball milling is beneficial to disperse the agglomerated nanoparticles. While if ball milling time is too long, it will expose the particles to the active surface. At the same time, the high temperature of ball milling will also make the nanoparticles unstable, and the secondary agglomeration tend to occur.

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