
Cesium Tungstate Applied for Greenhouse Heat Insulation Coating

Cesium tungstate for greenhouse heat insulation coating is also known as cesium tungsten oxide with formula of Cs0.33WO3, particle size of 80-100nm, and purity of 99.9%. It is dark blue in color. Cs0.33WO3 nano particles are often prepared into dispersion for production of highly transparent heat insulation coating.

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cesium tungstate applied for greenhouse heat insulation coating image

According to the experts, Cs0.33WO3 nano powder is a kind of inorganic nano material with good ability of near-infrared absorption. So, the greenhouse heat insulation coating prepared using Cs0.33WO3 nanopowder as NIR shielding material has strong absorption in the wavelength in the range of 800-1200nm (the near infrared region) and high transmittance in the wavelength in the range of 380-780nm (the visible region). The infrared absorption at 950nm can reach more than 90%, and the visible light transmittance at 550nm can reach more than 70%. In a word, due to its high heat shielding performance and high transparency, cesium tungstate nano particles are often used to produce heat insulation coating.

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