
Nano Tungsten Trioxide Applied for Bathroom Thermal Insulating Glass Coating

Nano tungsten trioxide is an interesting material, which can be used for preparing bathroom thermal insulating glass coating. Your bathroom will cool in hot summer and warm in cold winter if you apply such a smart coating on your glasses of bathroom. Also, it helps to save energy and therefore reduce electricity bill and protect the environment. According to the experts, the tungsten trioxide nanoparticle also shows promising properties for applications in several important sustainable technologies, such as smart windows, gas sensors, and as a photocatalyst for air cleaning and water splitting.

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nano tungsten trioxide applied for bathroom thermal insulating glass coating picture

While tungsten trioxide is easily reducible. Sub-stoichiometry alters the physical properties of tungsten oxides, and yields compounds with different color and electrical conductivity. In addition, several phases of tungsten trioxide exist in a close range around room temperature and atmospheric pressure, each with slightly different structure and electronic properties. Therefore, it is important to systematically characterize tungsten trioxide materials with known phase composition, and compare them with similar sub-stoichiometric WO3-x compounds.

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