
Tungsten Trioxide Nanopowder Applied for Heat-insulating Anti-explosion Coating

Tungsten trioxide nanopowder for producing heat-insulating anti-explosion coating is attracting more and more attention due to its own excellent near-infrared (NIR) absorption properties. You know, in recent years, a variety of nanomaterials, noble metal nanomaterials, carbon-based materials, conductive polymers and semiconductor nanoparticles have been studied for their NIR absorption properties.

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tungsten trioxide nanopowder applied for heat-insulating anti-explosion coating image

Non-stoichiometric metal oxides such as WO3?x, MoO3?x, CuS, and TiOx are of particular interest, as their strong photoabsorption properties in the broad wavelength range of the NIR region make them suitable for various applications. In semiconductor-based materials, light is absorbed to generate electron-hole pairs. In particular, tungsten-oxide-based materials are effective in their utilization of the NIR region. Of these, oxygen-deficient WO2.72 have been found to be useful in various applications such as smart windows, electrochromic devices, photothermal therapy and NIR shielding. Also, tungsten trioxide material doped with an element such as Cs, Rb, K and Na also exhibits broadband NIR absorption properties. And it is often used to produce heat-insulating anti-explosion coating.

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