Cesium tungsten bronze nanopowder is attracting more and more attention due to the wide application of dining room thermal insulating glass coating. Therefore, the preparation of cesium tungsten bronze nanoparticles also interests the experts and scholars. Cs0.33WO3 nanopowder can be obtained by grinding the coarse cesium tungsten bronze powder, according to the experts. The experts studied the Cs0.33WO3 powder before grinding and after grinding for different times.
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The experts said that the TEM images of the Cs0.33WO3 powder before grinding and after grinding for different times showed that the Cs0.33WO3 powder before grinding had a large particle size. After grinding, the prepared particles had an irregular shape as they were debris from the collisions with grinding beads during the milling process. Furthermore, with the increasing of the grinding time, the particle size became smaller and more uniform. This result was consistent with the observation of hydrodynamic diameter and confirmed that the Cs0.33WO3 nanoparticles with uniform size could be obtained by a stirred bead milling process.