
Cesium Tungsten Bronze Nanopowder Applied for Bathroom Heat Insulating Glass Coating

Cesium tungsten bronze nanopowder is applied for preparing bathroom heat insulating glass coating --- a new type of coating that shields almost all the infrared heat from sun rays, while admitting most of the visible light. Therefore, the coating is promising for fabricating smart windows.

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cesium tungsten bronze nanopowder applied for bathroom heat insulating glass coating image

In China, air conditioning is the largest component of a building's energy requirements, so even a small reduction in heat intake can translate into significant savings. In this regard, the experts introduced that the infrared shielding coating with cesium tungsten bronze nanopowder can shield more than 90% of near-infrared radiation, while transmitting more than 80% of visible light. And these figures are much better than those of coatings obtained using commercial antimony-doped tin oxide nanopowder. The experts produced the cesium tungsten bronze nanoparticles using a solvothermal method, in which precursors are heated under pressure in a special vessel, called an autoclave. The solvothermal method permits synthesis at relatively low temperatures. It also enables the nanoparticle size to be tightly controlled, which is important when trying to block some wavelengths of light while allowing others to pass through.

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