
Cs0.32WO3 Nanoparticles Applied for Thermal Insulation Coating

Some experts have studied the thermal insulation coating prepared by hydrothermal treatment of Cs0.32WO3 nanoparticles under different acetic acid concentrations. They also used the ratio k as the parameter to evaluate the transparent thermal insulation properties of the coating. Here, k is a ratio of the transmittance maximum value Tmax in the visible light band to the transmittance T1100nm at 1100nm. They found that:

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Cs0.32WO3 nanoparticles applied for thermal insulation coating image

The k value of the untreated Cs0.32WO3 powder is the smallest, and its transparent heat insulation performance is the worst. By comparing the k of the hydrothermally treated Cs0.32WO3 powder at different acetic acid concentrations, it was found that the synthesized powder k was the largest at an acetic acid concentration of 5mol/L. This is because acetic acid has a certain degree of reducibility, which promotes the conversion of W6+ to W5+ in CsxWO3 particles during the reaction, increases the carrier concentration in the nanorods, and improves the transparent heat insulation performance of the powder. At 10mol/L, the excessive concentration of acetic acid inhibits the H+ ionization of acetic acid, which in turn reduces the reducibility of the reaction system.

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