Nano Cs doped tungsten oxide, or nano cesium tungsten bronze, may be applied for preparing an environmentally-friendly heat insulating coating, and thus be applied to architectural glass to obtain thermal insulating glass.
It is well known that a transparent heat insulating coating forms a protective film on the surface of the glass after film forming technology, which can effectively block the heat in the sunlight transfer into the room. In other words, it has a good heat insulation effect, which can effectively achieve the effect of heat insulation and cooling. There is data showing that the glass using such coating can reduce the indoor temperature by 8-12°C.
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In addition, according to experts, glass heat insulation coating of cesium-doped tungsten oxide nanoparticles is an environmentally friendly coating that does not contain toxic and harmful substances. It does not volatilize harmful gases such as formaldehyde and dialdehyde, which are harmful to the human body. It also effectively reduces the startup rate of refrigeration appliances such as air conditioners and fans so that plays a role of energy conservation and consumption reduction.