
Mainstream Tungsten Quotations Rise, Tungsten Heater Market Confidence has been Established
Author:Def author    Source:Site author    Update Time:2016-7-20 17:32:26

Mainstream Tungsten Quotations Rise, Tungsten Heater Market Confidence has been Established

Recently, the whole tungsten market is in depressed state because the overcapacity. But the domestic tungsten raw material market has changed last week, the price rebounded. The change of market seems to come even faster than the expected since most companies originally judged that it is possible for the market improve at the end of August. In the whole demand off-season, market operations become extremely less at this time, floating capital of the market began to flow, some enterprise start to operate actively. A trade enterprise in Hunan said that since feeling the market changes, they begin to purchase tungsten concentrate. But after all the current price is low, shipments willingness of the majority of tungsten mine are not strong, so these days they cannot receive tungsten concentrate basically. A trade enterprise in Jiangxi represent indicate that with the tungsten raw material has dropped to a very low price, the tungsten concentrate market liquidity is very low.


Tungsten concentrate market confidence has been established, there are a lot of business to find goods on the market, further stimulate enterprises to hold stocks of tungsten mine, these factors can be regarded as “a beacon for the winter”. Although it cannot save the winter cold, but it can also let the market has a short warm. So it would further improve the development of tungsten heater. For the current tungsten spot market, prices have motivation.


Today, the mainstream quotations of tungsten products rise again, the quotation of the mainstream black tungsten ore is 6.2-6.4 ten thousand RMB / ton, up 1,000 RMB / ton, the quotation of the mainstream APT is 9.4-9.7 RMB, up 1,000 RMB / ton. From last week, inquiries of tungsten concentrate market became active, businesses in Hunan and Jiangxi are actively purchase the mine, and the stock on market suddenly became very tense.



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ArticleInputer:xuejiao    Editor:xuejiao 
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