
Tungsten Alloy Shielding For Neutron Radiography Facility
Author:中鎢在線    Source:本站原創(chuàng)    Update Time:2016-3-30 17:52:58

Tungsten Alloy Shielding For Neutron Radiography Facility

Tungsten alloy shielding for neutron radiography facility can be used for shielding the neutron radiation released from the neutron radiography facility. Neutron radiography facility is a device which uses neutron radiography technique to test samples. Neutron radiography technique, also known as neutron imaging and neutron tomography, is a nondestructive testing technique that allows imaging of hydrogenous materials inside a component. The resulting image is based upon the neutron attenuation properties of the imaged object. Neutron radiography facility consists of neutron source, collimator and image detector system (including neutron conversion screen). Generally the neutron source is a neutron reactor, where a plenty of neutrons per unit area is available. The collimator is to make the neutrons traveling in different directions to be traveling in a fairly uniform direction (generally slightly divergent) for producing a good image. Neutron imaging was generally recorded on x-ray film.


With the development of technology, neutron radiography facility has been widely used in various fields. In the astronautic and aeronautic fields, it can be used for detecting flaws, material properties and corrosion status in initiating explosive devices in aerospace system, space rocket parts, airplane engine blades, aluminum plates and composite materials;in environtology, geography and biology, it can be used for researching the meteorite profile, evaluating the acidizing effect of reservoir fracture and analyzing the reservoir rock center holes and cracks; in nuclear and military industry, it can be used for the hot inspection of fuel rods and defect inspection of parts of weapons; in industry , it can be used to check the metal hydroxides present in mechanical parts and detect the combination condition of composite material layers. The neutron radiation released from the neutron radiography facility can make hematopoietic organ failure, damage central nervous system and also cause cancer, leukemia, cataracts and other diseases.What's more, neutron radiation has a genetic effect to affect the offspring development of persons with radiation exposure.

Tungsten alloy shielding for neutron radiography facility is made up of tungsten alloy material with high radiation shielding properties. Compared with traditional material(such as lead),tungsten alloy shielding for neutron radiography facility has higher density, thus it has smaller volume and thinner than lead in the same weight and the same shielding performance with lead shielding. And tungsten alloys are non-toxic and will not cause harm to humans.

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ArticleInputer:minghui    Editor:minghui 
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