
Tungsten Alloy Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding
Author:中鎢在線    Source:本站原創(chuàng)    Update Time:2016-3-23 17:39:27

Tungsten Alloy Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding

Tungsten alloy electromagnetic radiation shielding is a type of tungsten alloy shielding used for shielding the electromagnetic radiation around us. Electromagnetic radiation , also known as electronic smoke, is the radiant energy generated by some electromagnetic processes. For example, the RF antenna emitting signals generates electromagnetic energy. Visible light is one type of electromagnetic radiation; other familiar types are invisible electromagnetic radiations, such as radio waves, infrared light, microwaves, ultraviolet light,gamma rays and X rays. Some of electromagnetic radiations have a negative effect on human body.


The effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological systems (and also to many other chemical systems, under standard conditions) depend both on the radiation's power and its frequency. Experts have shown that electromagnetic radiation more than 2 gigahertz will lead to disease, human skin and mucosa are the first to be affected. The symptoms include bloodshot eyes, swollen eyelids, nasal congestion, runny nose, throat discomfort, or urticaria, eczema, itching on the skin. Electromagnetic radiation can also affect the body's immune function, causing vitiligo, psoriasis, allergic purpura and other diseases. It's known as the electromagnetic radiation has been ranked as the fourth largest source of environmental pollution by WHO. Long-term and excessive electromagnetic radiation will harm the reproductive, nervous and immune systems, resulting in skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer mutation. And these harmful electromagnetic radiations mainly comes from household appliances, office electronics, computers and other mobile phones. In order to avoid electromagnetic radiation around our life, we need to use tungsten alloy electromagnetic radiation shielding to protect ourselves.


Tungsten alloy electromagnetic radiation shielding can shield radiations efficiently. Experts find that radiation exposure could be reduced by maxing shielding. The density of a material is related to its radiation stopping ability. Higher density means better stopping power and shielding. Due to a higher density, tungsten alloy has a much higher stopping power than lead. Alternatively equal amounts of tungsten shielding provide diminished exposure risks than equivalent lead shielding.


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ArticleInputer:minghui    Editor:minghui 
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