
Tungsten Alloy X-Ray Flaw Detector
Author:中鎢在線    Source:本站原創(chuàng)    Update Time:2016-3-22 18:08:30

Tungsten Alloy X-Ray Flaw Detector

Tungsten alloy X-ray flaw detector is a device for detecting flaws in machining parts made from various metallic and nonmetallic materials by methods of nondestructive testing, to check if the workpiece is qualified or not. It is mainly used to detect defects in weld joints(such as blowhole, slag inclusion, incompletely filled groove) or castings(such as shrinkage cavity, slag inclusion, blowhole, heat crack, loosen),and ensure the projection plan position, size and type of the defect found in machining parts.


The principle of tungsten alloy X-ray flaw detector is the penetrability of rays. In the industry, tungsten alloy X-ray flaw detector is generally used to detect some damage inside the items which the naked eye can not see, or short circuit or the like. Tungsten alloy X-ray flaw detectors use penetrating X-rays, gamma rays or other rays to capture images of the internal structure of a part or finished product. Therefore, the detection personnel can judge if the work piece is qualified or not through images in the display of flaw detector.

Tungsten alloy X-ray detectors use X-rays. There rays are bad for human health, and have biological effects of radiation on the human body. When a body is exposed to X-rays, radiation can enter into the human body, to suppress, destroy and even kill human cells. Tungsten alloy ray detector is without a doubt the best solution. Excellent radiation-absorption and radiation shielding, twice the density of lead and good physical resistance are main reasons to use tungsten alloy X-ray detectors.

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ArticleInputer:minghui    Editor:minghui 
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