
Tungsten Alloy Shielded Container
Author:中鎢在線    Source:本站原創(chuàng)    Update Time:2016-3-21 18:00:06

Tungsten Alloy Shielded Container

Tungsten alloy shielded container is a type of tungsten alloy shielding used for containing radiopharmaceuticals. Radiopharmaceuticals or medicinal radiocompounds are a group of pharmaceutical drugs which have radioactivity. Radiopharmaceuticals can be used as diagnostic and therapeutic agents. Radiopharmacology is the branch of pharmacology that specializes in these agents. Radiopharmaceuticals can be divided intodiagnostic radiopharmaceutical(gamma emitter, such as 99mTc,201Tl,67Ga,123I,75Se,51Cr,113mIn compounds) and therapeutic radioactive compounds(βemitter,such as 32P,89Sr,90Y compounds,andβ- gamma emitter,such as 131I,153Sm,188Re,117mSn,117Lu compounds).

Due to the radiation hazard of radiopharmaceuticals, it is necessary to choose a shielded container which has great shield performance to contain radiopharmaceuticals. Tungsten alloy shielded container is the best choice. The density of a material is related to its radiation protection ability.Higher density means better stopping and absorbing radiationray.

Due to a higher density than most other materials, tungsten radiation shielding has a much higher ability of absorbing and stopping almost rays than others metals such as the traditional radiation shielding - lead. Tungsten radiation shielding greater linear attenuation of gamma radiations means that less is required for equal shielding. In the shielded container industry, lead and tungsten are the metal most commonly used.Lead and its compounds are poisonous to animals and humans.Lead is a neurotoxin that accumulates both in soft tissues and the bones, damaging the nervous system and causing brain disorders. Excessive lead also causes blood disorders in mammals.Lead poisoning has been documented since ancient Rome, ancient Greece, and ancient China. Therefore tungsten received more and more attention because of its nontoxicity. 

Tungsten alloy shielded container generally uses high density tungsten alloy, because tungsten alloy has high density and great shielding performance, so that it can avoid the radiation hazard of radiopharmaceuticals. And tungsten is such a  non-toxic metal that pose no risk to human health. Tungsten alloy shielded container mainly used for medical radioactive injection shielding and the radioactive source container.

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ArticleInputer:minghui    Editor:minghui 
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