Tungsten Alloy X-ray Therapeutic Machine
Tungsten alloy X-ray therapeutic machine is widely used to treat cancer.As x-ray has a stong ability to control or kill malignant cancer cells and stop them from spreading. The X-ray may be released from external special machines, or from internal radioactive substances that doctors place inside human body.
Tungsten alloy X-ray therapeutic machine could treat many types of cancer if they are localized to one region of human body. It may also be used as part of adjunctive treatment, to avoid tumor recurrence after removing a primary malignant tumor (for example, early stages of pancreatic cancer). Tungsten alloy X-ray therapeutic machine has been used before, during, and after chemotherapy in susceptible cancers. The subspecialty of oncology that centers on radiation therapy is called radiation oncology.
Tungsten alloy X-ray therapy is a therapy using X rays. The use of X-rays as a treatment is known as radiation therapy and is widely used for the treatment of cancer.X-rays beams are applied to treat skin cancers using lower energy x-ray beams while higher energy beams are applied to treat cancers within the body such as brain, lung, prostate, and breast. however, it also damage our healthy cell, so it’s very important for us to control the x-ray exposure.Tungsten alloy is widely used in the x-ray therapeutic as it’s has a great shielding performance which could avoid the x-ray spread and make sure the therapeutic effect.Besides, tungsten alloy material has a strong radiation absorption which could control the x-ray exposure.
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