
APT Market Price Going up Analysis
Author:Tungsten Manufacturer & Supplier    Source:Chinatungsten Online    Update Time:2015-12-16 20:48:51

APT Market Price Going up Analysis

1.Raw materials.
As the price of raw material tungsten ores keeps going up , it takes a large part of cost for producing APT, which causes the keeping going up of APT in a certain degree.

2.Other factors listed below also consists a part of the affecting factors.
Even though they have influenced the price of APT, they accounts for not so much part than the raw materials.

2.1 Supplementary materials. During the producing of APT, many supplementary materials like binders and other chemicals like HCl or NaOH are required, and their price is going up.

2.2 Labor cost. Labor cost which includes salary, welfare fund, insurance and provident fund all increase. In China, the labor cost is going up by 12% these years, but still 8% increase this year.

2.3 Power cost. The power cost for smelting has been declining, but increasing these days.

2.4 Environmental protection cost. As we know the emission of flue gas and waste residue causes a lot of damage to environment, the cost of glue gas treatment and waste residue recovery increases with the growing damage to environment. Producing 1 ton tungsten concentrate would cost about $800. Even though the exporting quota and 5% exporting tax for APT are canceled this year, but the government has charged 6.5% for the environmental cost.

2.5Taxes. Always be.

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ArticleInputer:yiping    Editor:yiping 
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