The most outstanding property of tungsten heavy alloy is high proportion, also called as high density, the density of tungsten heavy alloy can reach 18g/cm, which is higher than steel (7.8g/cm) by 2.3 times, so the fracture surface of bullet has high density which highly improving speed of bullet and penetration to steel plate during flying.
Tungsten alloy machine gun bullet is kind of machine gun bullet which has good properties, developed form 1970's, the warhead of machine gun bullet has the properties of high initial velocity, low trajectory, short flying time, high accuracy, high penetration and more by adopting decorticating theory, new structure and material of tungsten heavy alloy.
The properties of tungsten alloy machine gun bullet:
It can deal with high-speed target efficiently
The fracture surface of bullet has high density
The tungsten alloy core has good ductility, which is contrary to the broken of hard steel or tungsten carbide core during penetration
Tungsten alloy machine gun bullet has excellent property of second penetration and penetrates to armor in splash type
Tungsten alloy machine gun bullet has significant penetration to composite armor which has big impact angle, or layered construction