
Tungsten Oxide Application
Author:中鎢在線    Source:偽原創(chuàng)    Update Time:2016-3-25 18:39:03

Tungsten Oxide Application


Tungsten oxide can be widely used in many different fields in our life as it has good physical and chemical properties. The ultra fine tungsten oxide has strong absorption ability on electromagnetic wave, so it can be applied as an important absorbing material in solar system applications and invisible material in military field. And also it can be used as catalytic materials in the controlling the air of pollution, industrial hygiene and anode electrode of fuel cells because it has good catalytic property.


It is often used in the manufacture of industrial X - ray screen fluorescent powder and fire retardant fabric. Due to its rich yellow elements, tungsten oxide is also used as a pigment in ceramics and paints.


In recent years, tungsten oxide has been extensively used in the production of electrochromism windows or smart windows. The windows are equipped with electric switches with the change of light transmission and external voltage. Through the change of heat or light, the user can adjust the color of their window. Another use of tungsten oxide is used for high density inert metal explosives, the most significant applications of these devices are in the conflict between Israel and the Gaza Strip in 2008-2009.


Because of the sensitivity of tungsten oxide, it also can be used for detection of nitrogen dioxide, ammonia and other toxic gases.


It can also be applied as low temperature superconducting materials. It can be used as photocatalyst after mixed with TiO2. Tungsten oxide is unstable with NOX, H2S and NH, thus it is used as sensitive material for tranducer and test food, pharmaceuticals, off-gas.

Apart from that, Tungsten oxide is broadly used to produce tungsten powder and tungsten carbide powder. Also manufacture tungsten cemented and alloy products, like, tungsten, nickel-iron, tungsten, silver, tungsten , rhenium, tungsten thorium, tungsten alloy, tungsten copper alloy,  tungsten, nickel etc.

Tungsten oxide is widely applied in different fields, so the study of the tungsten oxide still continue to carry out, and it has become the most potential material for future development.

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