Purpose of Tungsten Copper Nickel-plated Material
There are two purposes of nickel-plated tungsten copper's surface: 1.Prevent corrosion ,oxidation and protect the substrate.It is well-known that the corrosion resistance and temperature oxidation performance of tungsten copper alloy is not very well,it enables copper oxidized easily at high temperatures.Tungsten will be easy to react into oxide with steam and break at high temperatures when the temperature is higher than 600 ℃.Therefore, tungsten copper electronic packaging materials must be used at high temperatures on the surface of a protective film to protect the substrate plating.Because of its good resistance to high temperature oxidation and corrosion resistance,nickel layer is often used for high-temperature protective film.
2.Improve the welding properties of tungsten copper alloy materials.As the base material,tungsten copper always be be welded with other materials in electronic packaging.But the properties of tungsten copper material's welding does not meet the requirements.Therefore, the performance of tungsten copper welding will be effectively improved after nickel-plated.
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