Description of Tungsten Copper Rod Tungsten copper rod is a high strength composite of two metals: copper and tungsten.It combines the benefits of conductivity of copper with the heat and wear resistance of tungsten. It is widely used in the industries like aerospace,machine tool, medical,military/government,semiconductor. Tungsten copper rod is ground to achieve the precise shape and size, and has a precision tolerance.It is processed by high purity of tungsten powder, copper powder and isostatic techniques.Both tungsten copper'electrical and thermal conductivity are good. So, it owns low expansion and high temperature resistance.It is widely used in chip carriers, substrates, flanges and frames for power semiconductor devices.They are used for drawing wire, making tungsten tig electrode, steel-making additive.Besides these, tungsten copper rods are also used in arc chambers, diamond wheel dressing, furnace rails, heating elements, high temperature furnace components, medical devices, radiation shielding etc.
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