
Tungsten Carbide Knife Blade California Baucor Company Ready For 2014
Author:tang    Source:Site author    Update Time:2014-1-3 14:29:36

Tungsten Carbide Knife Blade California Baucor Company Ready For 2014

California tungsten carbide knife blade and its global brand Baucor are excited to enter 2014 with state of the art grinding technologies to make industrial blades and machine knives. California tungsten carbide Knife and Blade and Baucor will continue on their commitment in 2014 to manufacturing and supplying highest quality industrial blades, machine knives, and surgical medical blades at affordable prices and within the quickest turnaround time while delivering exceptionally right on time.
Baucor, the global brand of California Knife and Blade, manufactures and supplies in custom and standard sizes industrial tungsten carbide blades, tungsten carbide cutting knives, tungsten carbide machine knives, tungsten carbide surgical blades. Industrial tungsten carbide blades include paper cutting blades, food processing knives, plastic cutting knives, packaging blades, poultry processing knives, meat chopping blades, rubber cutting blades, tire cutting knives, industrial razor blades, metalworking knives, custom surgical (medical) knives, textile blades, fabric cutting knives, film cutting and slitting blades, film perforating knives, granulator knives, recycling blades, seafood processing knives, fresh produce, vegetable and fruit slicing blades, cheese cutting and processing blades, bakery processing blades, industrial razor blades, custom razor blades, converting blades, tissue and log saw blades.
With these new industrial blades and machine knives, California Knife and Blade aims to strengthen its presence in the industrial cutting blade business worldwide.
With the advent of new technologies in grinding, cutting and sharpening areas, California Knife commits to high quality end product delivered just on time.
California Knife and Blade manufactures and supplies in custom and standard sizes industrial blades, cutting knives, machine knives, surgical blades. Industrial blades include paper cutting blades, food processing knives, plastic cutting knives, packaging blades, poultry processing knives, meat chopping blades, rubber cutting blades, tire cutting knives, industrial razor blades, metalworking knives, custom surgical (medical) knives, textile blades, fabric cutting knives, film cutting and slitting blades, film perforating knives, granulator knives, recycling blades, seafood processing knives, fresh produce, vegetable and fruit slicing blades, cheese cutting and processing blades, bakery processing blades, industrial razor blades, custom razor blades, converting blades, tissue and log saw blades.
Type of blades by shape includes circular knives, circular slitting blades, convex blades, curved blades, straight blades, pointed tip blades, toothed blades, serrated blades, scalloped blades, carbide knives, circular saw blades.
The blades by cutting type include perforating blades, top circular blades, dished blades, score slitting blades, rotary shear blades, rotary slitter knives, crush cut knives, pneumatic knife holders, splice knives, guillotine blades, shear knives, cut off knives, chipper knives, punch knives, press blades and tray sealer knives.
Other specialty areas we serve include aerospace, automotive, recycling, converting, oil and gas, renewable energy, plastic converting, food service, packing.
The blade materials are heat treated and hardened in strictly controlled ovens. Materials include carbon steel, spring steel, tool steel, D2 tool steel, M2 high speed steel, tungsten carbide, CPM 10V and 9V, 400 series stainless steel, 300 series stainless steel, 1075 and 1095 spring steels.
One of our specialty is to custom make surgical (medical) knife blades. Areas include orthopedic saw blades, ophthalmic surgery blades, general surgery, neurological surgeries, plastic surgery. While we mainly focus on developing prototype blades for major medical device OEMs and producers, we also have some capability manufacture small to medium volume surgical blades and medical knives.

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ArticleInputer:tang    Editor:tang 
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