
County Will Sponsor Tungsten Copper Electronics Drop-off
Author:tang    Source:Site author    Update Time:2013-10-10 11:02:58

County Will Sponsor Tungsten Copper Electronics Drop-off

If the past results of local recycling events are any indicator, Lake County residents will contribute another 20 tons of unwanted electronics for recycling this month.
That's how many obsolete computers, old TV sets, VCRs and other electronics were discarded during the last three local electronic recycling events.
During the April electronic drop-off held at the Madison Recycling Center, about 43,000 pounds (21 1/2 tons) were collected, according to Roxie Ebdrup, administrative assistant for the Madison Public Works Department.
Ebdrup said that the spring and fall electronics drop-offs last year each collected between 20 to 23 tons of unwanted electronics.
Lake County residents can deliver their old electronic devices to the recycling center at 800 S.W. 7th St. from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Oct. 19. There is no charge.
The drop-offs are limited to residents, meaning businesses, schools, local governments and nonprofit organizations cannot discard their electronics at the event.
Electronic devices that use cathode-ray tubes and/or contain circuit boards will typically contain amounts of lead that can either leach into groundwater if they are buried or diffuse into the air if they are burned.
Cell phones, DVD players and laptop computers can contain minerals such as tungsten and gold and rare-earth metals that include tantalum. Experts believe that recycling all of the discarded cell phones in the U.S. each year would yield tons of copper, silver, gold and palladium.
Volunteers working at the recycling center will accept two-way radios, scanners, cameras, copy machines, keyboards, computer mice, paper shredders, printers, speakers, compact-disc players, hard drives, video-game players, TVs, computers and cell phones. They will also accept electric cords and computer cables.
The recycling program does not accept all electrical or electronic devices. The list of unacceptable items includes microwave ovens, light fixtures, vacuum cleaners, humidifiers and dehumidifiers, hair dryers, curling irons, electric toothbrushes, coffee pots, crock pots, blenders, space heaters and exercise equipment.
Any questions can be directed to personnel at 256-7610 or at 256-7515.

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ArticleInputer:tang    Editor:tang 
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