Tungsten Heater of Chinatungsten
Tungsten Heater for Vacuum Metallsing
Tungsten heater made of tungsten wire, features high melting point and high corrosion resistance, mainly applied for vacuum metallizing, such as aluminizing scope, chrome scope, mirrors, plastics and heater elements for decoration articles. Tungsten heaters can be stranded into single or multi wires according to the samples or drawings of customers. Pure wire and doped wire are both available. Diameter of tungsten wire: 0.2-1.2mm.
At Chinatungsten Online, we try our best to explore new products with high quality and has formed the capacity to manufacture series tungsten heater products. For more physical and chemical properties of tungsten heater, please check the information from www.tungsten-heater.com.cn, or if you would like to learn more of the latest prices and news of tungsten in China, please visit our main web site of www.chinatungsten.com and 0535idc.cn for the details.
We hope in our website you may find the right type(s), drawing(s) which may meet your requirement. But if you cannot find what you need, you can turn to contact us directly for your requirements and/or questions.
To purchase Our Tungsten Heater products
please visit the standard drawings and fulfill and send us the Quotation Table!
If you need any more details of the above news and/or products, please visit Chinatungsten Online, or contact us directly.
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