Frequently Played Darts Games:The Darts Pentathlon
Frequently Played Darts Games:The Darts Pentathlon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following was submitted by Lance Kent who said: "Attached is something that was posted to a.s.d. about a year ago. It's the rules for conducting a Dart Pentathlon."
The Darts Pentathlon 20 players play 24 matches consisting of:
19 matches of two legs 501 1 match 1001 1 match 2001 1 'round the clock on doubles 1 Shanghai 1 Halve-it (20, 16, d7, 14, t10, 17, bulls)
Pentathlon Scoring In the xx01 matches:
1 pt for scores from 95-130 2 pts " " " 131-159 3 pts " " " 160-180 Bonuses:
1 pt for the winning double 1 pt for 19-21 dart game 2 pts for 16-18 dart game 3 pts for 13-15 dart game 4 pts for 9-12 dart game
In the 'Round the Clock Doubles:
1 pt for each double 1 pt for each dart remaining of the 42 allowed 1 pt is given for each double hit if the clock is not completed and 1 pt is subtracted for each double not hit. NOTE: A maximum of 42 darts are allowed
In the Shanghai:
3 pts for each correct treble 2 pts for each correct double 1 pt for each correct single NOTE: It is not made clear if this is played to a set number or if the whole clock is played; further there is no explaination of what happens if a shanghai is hit. Given the number of variations in the play of this game it would be helpful if someone with direct experience of the British Pentathlon could clear this up.
In Halve-It:
1 pt per unit hit excepting the double bull which is worth 2 NOTE: The Pentathlon points are not halved on a total miss.
Source: "Darts: A Guinness Superlatives Book", By Derek Brown, Guinness Superlatives, Pub, 1981 Copyright This paper is Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 by Robert (Bob) Lanctot and Chris Patterson.Conditions Permission is hereby granted to give away free copies electronically. You may distribute, transfer, or spread this paper electronically. You may not pretend that you wrote it. This copyright notice must be maintained in any copy made. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this paper in any other medium excluding electronic medium, please ask the authors for permission.
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