Tungsten Ring,Tungsten Axes & Tungsten Crucible
Tungsten Ring,Tungsten Axes & Tungsten Crucible
Tungsten Ring 1. Tungsten Ring Component: The main component is Tungsten, and the tungsten ring including other elements as Nickel and Iron. 2. Diameter: 50mm to 180mm 3. The Tungsten Ring is with High Purity, and it produced with powder metallurgical method 4. Applications Range: The Tungsten Ring can widely used during the industry fields.
Tungsten Axes 1. Tungsten Axes Component: Wu-Ni-Cu ( the main component Tungsten including:85% to 99%) 2. Tungsten Axes Performance: large proportion, high intensity , strong absorption ability, big thermal conductivity, smal thermal-expansion coefficient, good electric conductivity, good weldability and workability, 3. Applications range: The tungsten axes can be widely utilized in astronautics, aviation, military, petroleum well drilling, electric appliance measuring appliance, medicine, etc.
Tungsten/Molybdenum Crucible 1. Specification of Tungsten and Molybdenum Crucible: Diameterof 10-400mm Length of 10-6000mm 2. The Tungsten Crucible and Molybdenum Crucible are pure tungsten or pure molybdenum materials. 3. Usage:The Tungsten Crucible and Molybdenum Crucible can all be the container for rare earth smelting.
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