Bucking bar:Installation of rivets
There are several methods for installing solid rivets.
· Manual with hammer and handset or bucking bar
· Pneumatic Hammers
· Handheld Squeezers
· Riveting machines
· Pin Hammer, Rivet Set
Rivets that are small enough and soft enough are often bucked.In this process the installer places a rivet gun against the factory head and holds a bucking bar against the tail or a hard working surface. The bucking bar is a specially shaped solid block of metal. The rivet gun provides a series of high-impulse forces that upset the rivet in place. Rivets that are large or hard may be more easily installed by squeezing instead. In this process a tool in contact with each end of the rivet clinches to deform the rivet.
Rivets may also be upset by hand, using a ball-peen hammer. The head is placed in a special hole made to accommodate it, known as a rivet-set. The hammer is applied to the buck-tail of the rivet, rolling an edge so that it is flush against the fastened material.
COLLETED BY HANNS FROM www.buckingbar.com.cn
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