Bucking bar:The Sizes of rivets and how to choose the correct size
1)The sizes of rivets
Rivet diameters are commonly measured in 1/32 inch increments and their lengths in 1/16th inch increments which are expressed as "dash" numbers at the end of the rivet identification number. A 'dash 3','dash 4' (XXXXXX-3-4) designation indicates 3/32" diameter and 4/16" or 1/4" long rivet. Some rivets lengths are also available in "half sizes" and will have a dash number such as -3.5 (7/32") to indicate it as a half size rivet. The letters and numbers that precede the dash numbers, in the rivets identification number, indicate the specification under which the rivet was manufactured and the head style. On many rivets the size in /32nds may be stamped on the rivet head.
To become a proper fastener, a rivet should be placed in hole ideally 4-6 thousandths of an inch larger in diameter. This allows the rivet to be easily and fully inserted, then setting allows the rivet to expand, tightly filling the gap and maximizing strength.
2) How to choose the correct size rivet?
There should be about 1/32 or less clearance between the rivet and the hole. (A ¼ inch rivet should be in a hole no larger than 9/32 diameter.) If the hole is more than 1/32 larger, you should either go to the next diameter rivet or the hole should be welded shut and predrilled. When drilling, use the same size drill as the rivet. If installed correctly, the rivet will expand to fill the hole.
The length of the rivet is determined by the thickness of the material being held together. To make a round head you will need about 1 ½ times the diameter of the rivet. If you are using ¼ inch diameter rivet, you will need a rivet 3/8 inch longer than the combined thickness of the metal you are holding together. This should be used as a starting point; you may find that slightly more or less will produce a better head.
COLLETED BY HANNS FROM www.buckingbar.com.cn
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