
W263 Tungsten Alloy Rod

W263 tungsten alloy rod has many special properties such as high density, high melting point, wear resistance, high tensile strength, good elongation capacity, low vapor pressure, excellent thermal stability and high radiation absorption capacity, etc. And due to these advantages, It is widely used in various fields including the sports, industry and medicine, etc.

The properties of W263 tungsten alloy rod are:
Density: 17.25 g/cm3
Hardness Rockwell: ≥23C
Tensile Strength: ≥900MPa

W263 tungsten alloy rod pictureChinatungsten Online helps the customers achieve the best machining results by providing further advice on turning, boring, roughing, finishing, tapping, drilling, grinding, milling, sawing/cutting, and stress relieving.

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