
Reagent Grade Ammonium Paratungstate

Reagent grade ammonium paratungstate means the ammonium paratungstate that acts as a chemical reagent for analysis in experiments or research. The purity of this grade of ammonium paratungstate is relatively higher.

Chemical reagent is a large class of pure chemical substances with various standard purities and can be used for education, scientific research, analysis and testing as well as dingal materials and raw materials required by some kinds of novel industrial materials. While there is still no uniform international rule in the classification methods for chemicals. It is customary divided by subject and actual application. The chemical reagent can be divided into four categories:reagent grade ammonium paratungstate picture
1. General reagents: generally refers to inorganic reagents and organic reagents that can meet standard purity.
2. Analysis reagents: regents dedicated to analysis and test and can be divided into two subcategories:
(1) Reagents for chemical analysis, such as baseline reagents and indicators.
(2) Regents for instrument analysis, such as spectroscopically pure reagents, chromatography pure reagents and deuterated reagents.

3. Reagents of electronics industry, such as MOS reagents, high-purity reagents, optically pure reagents, photoresist and other kinds of fine chemical products of special properties.

4. Biochemical reagents: reagents for scientific research such as exploring the mysteries of life and disease prevention as well as testing agents.

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