Tungsten copper rod flexural strength refers to the resistance to bending without broken. It usually uses three-point or four-point test for evaluation.
More details of tungsten copper rod please visit http://www.tungsten-copper.com/tungsten-copper-rod.html

tungsten copper rod picture
Flexural strength (GB / T 6569-86), or ISO 14704-2000 test.
Flexural strength test is divided into three-point bending and four-point bending. Each point should be measured 5 times at least (10 in standard) and obtain the average. Flexural strength test conducted on universal testing machine. Used as test strip for the 3 × 4 × 35 (mm * mm * mm). Three-point bending measurement has span of 30mm, loading rate of 0.5mm / min. Three-point bending of the formula R = (3F * L) / (2b * h * h):