
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Ceramic Microsphere 37

Cs0.32WO3 for preparing ceramic microsphere is cesium doped tungsten oxide nano powder that has been regarded as highly promising NIR shielding material. Until now, cesium doped tungsten oxide nanoparticles have been synthesized via solid state, hydrothermal, water controlled-release solvothermal, and thermal plasma synthesis methods that need high energy, costs, or long time. Thus, it is necessary to synthesize cesium doped tungsten oxide nanoparticles using a rapid and energy effective method to make it feasible for large-scale and practical applications. More…

Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Transparent Thermal Insulation Material 68

Cs0.32WO3 is an important dingal material for producing transparent thermal insulation material such as thermal insulation film or thermal insulation coating. According to the experts, the absorbance (near-infrared shielding performance) of Cs0.32WO3 is closely related to its crystallinity, microstructure and other factors. The near-infrared shielding performance of Cs0.32WO3 is enhanced with the increase of free carrier concentration and crystallinity, and is greatly enhanced with the formation of nanorod-like morphology. More details, please visit: In this regard, the experts said…

Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Thermal Insulation Paper 60

Cs0.32WO3 for thermal insulation paper can be prepared by hydrothermal synthesis method using sodium tungstate and cesium carbonate as raw materials. Wherein, D-malic acid is added as a reducing agent. But why choose D-malic acid as the reducing agent? More details, please visit: In the process of hydrothermal synthesis of Cs0.32WO3 for thermal insulation paper, the main reason for choosing D-malic acid as a reducing agent is that the carboxyl group and hydroxyl group in malic acid can form…

Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Thermal Insulation Dispersion 69

Cs0.32WO3 for thermal insulation dispersion can be prepared by hydrothermal method using sodium tungstate and cesium carbonate as raw materials and D-malic acid as reducing agent. Wherein, the raw material Cs/W ratio is 0.5, the hydrothermal temperature is 175 °C, and the hydrothermal time is 24, 48, and 72h, respectively. More details, please visit: The results showed that the prepared Cs0.32WO3 powder for thermal insulation dispersion has a strong absorption capacity at the 1000-2500nm band, and its absorption capacity…

Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Thermal Insulation Dispersion Liquid 46

Cs0.32WO3 for producing thermal insulation dispersion liquid is cesium-doped tungsten bronze nano powder with excellent near-infrared shielding performance, so it is often prepared into highly transparent heat insulation coating or heat insulation film for applying to glasses of buildings or automobiles. Well, what is the effect of Cs doping? According to the experts, with the increase of Cs doping amount, the free carrier content in the cesium tungsten bronze structure also gradually increased. The higher the crystallinity of the obtained…

Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Heat Insulation Film 52

Cs0.32WO3 is mainly applied for preparing heat insulation film. And such a dingal film is more and more widely applied to buildings and automobiles. Wherein, the light absorption performance of Cs0.32WO3 is greatly affected by its grain size, morphology, and crystallinity. That is to say, the near-infrared shielding performance of a transparent thermal insulation film using Cs0.32WO3 nano powder as a dingal material is significantly affected by the grain size, morphology, and crystallinity of Cs0.32WO3 powder. More details, please visit:…

Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Thermal Insulation Coating 38

Cs0.32WO3 for thermal insulation coating can be synthesized by hydrothermal method using sodium tungstate and cesium carbonate as raw materials. Wherein, cesium carbonate was added to the tungstic acid solution obtained by ion exchange of sodium tungstate according to Cs/W ratios of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6, respectively. More details, please visit: According to the experts, the near-infrared shielding performance of the obtained Cs0.32WO3 nano powder changed with the Cs/W ratio of the raw material, which was…

Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Heat Insulation Coating 38

Cs0.32WO3 for preparing heat insulation coating is also known as cesium tungsten bronze with excellent near-infrared absorption performance, and relatively stable chemical and physical properties. It is these excellent properties make the heat insulation coating made of Cs0.32WO3 nano particles have the characteristics of high heat insulation performance and high visible light transmission. You know, if the free carrier content in the cesium tungsten bronze structure increases, the near-infrared absorption performance of the resulting powder will be stronger. More details,…

Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Heat Insulation Glass 57

Cs0.32WO3 for preparing heat insulation glass is cesium tungsten bronze nano powder with excellent near-infrared shielding performance (near-infrared absorption performance). It is reported that the grain size, morphology and crystallinity of Cs0.32WO3 powder have a great influence on its near-infrared absorption performance. In order to better compare the crystallinity, some experts use SiC (nano silicon carbide) as a calibration standard to correct the crystallinity of Cs0.32WO3. More details, please visit: The calibration experiment method is as follows: Cs0.32WO3 powder…

Molybdenum Doped Tungsten Bronze 1,307

Molybdenum doped tungsten bronze can be ammonium tungsten bronze nanocrystals doped with molybdenum. Compared with tungsten bronze, the near infrared shielding performance of molybdenum doped tungsten bronze has been improved. So, do you know why molybdenum doping can improve the near-infrared shielding performance of tungsten bronze? More details, please visit: According to the experts, this is because Mo and W have similar ionic radii, electronegativity, and oxide lattice configuration. So, it is expected that the way of Mo partially…

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