
Transparent Thermal Insulation Material: Nano Tungsten Trioxide

Nano tungsten trioxide is a new type of transparent thermal insulation material, which has a wide application range in thermal insulation films such as auto thermal insulation film and thermal insulation film of building.

The crystal structure of tungsten trioxide has guiding significance for the research of this type of heat-insulating material.transparent thermal insulation material nano tungsten trioxide picture
Crystal Structure of Tungsten Trioxide
From the view of stoichiometric ratio, the composition of tungsten trioxide is very simple, but the structure of tungsten trioxide is very complicated. In contrast to the perovskite structure of ABO3 form, in tungsten trioxide, W occupies the B position and the A position is vacant. This structure can be seen as the public apex of octahedron of tungsten and oxide, and then these octahedral apexes are connected into a three-dimensional structure. In fact, there are always oxygen vacancies within the tungsten trioxide material, so the chemical formula of tungsten trioxide is usually also written as WO3-y.

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