
Lead-free X-ray Radiation Protection: Polymer Tungsten Apron

As a new lead-free X-ray radiation protection, polymer tungsten apron is expected to replace traditional lead apron. That is because lead is a toxic shielding material and its radiation shielding performance is not so good as tungsten alloy. It means that tungsten apron is lightweight to place less burden on doctors.

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lead-free X-ray radiation protection: polymer tungsten apron picture

Polymer tungsten apron is made using natural rubber emulsion and tungsten powder as raw materials through special processing technology. Such a shielding apron is easy to bend with flexibility, thereby reducing fatigue. It is non-slip and tactile sensitive. Also, it has the advantages of excellent radiation shielding performance, solvent resistance, and smooth surface without burrs. Such a polymer tungsten apron is often applied to surgical operations to protect medical staff from unnecessary radiation. It can be recycled, for saving resources and protecting the environment. In a word, lead-free X-ray radiation protection is the future of X-ray radiation protection. And lead-free polymer tungsten apron is the future of shielding apron.

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