
Cs0.32WO3 Applied for Glass Curtain Wall Heat Insulation Coating

Cs0.32WO3, or cesium tungsten bronze, shows a remarkable absorption of near-infrared (NIR) light so that it is often applied to prepare glass curtain wall heat insulation coating. As such coating plays an important role in building efficiency and environmental protection, Cs0.32WO3 nano particles are also attracting more and more attention. So, some experts have studied the activation of plasmons and polarons in solar control cesium tungsten bronze and reduced tungsten oxide nanoparticles.

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Cs0.32WO3 applied for glass curtain wall heat insulation coating image

According to the experts, dispersions of reduced tungsten oxide and tungsten bronze nanoparticles are known to show a remarkable absorption of near-infrared light applicable to solar control filters for automotive and architectural windows. Origin of the NIR absorption has been investigated by analyzing dielectric constants of CsxWO3 (x = 0.15, 0.25, and 0.32) and WO2.72, and using Mie scattering theory. The optical analysis and Mie scattering theory analysis indicate that a localized surface plasmon resonance and polarons of localized electrons contribute alongside to the observed NIR absorption at different wavelengths.

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