
Cs0.33WO3 Applied for Near-infrared Absorption Film

Cs0.33WO3, or cesium tungsten bronze, for preparing near-infrared absorption film is mainly at the nanoscale. According to the experts, the NIR absorption property of Cs0.33WO3 nano particles depends on the amount of cesium. And a proper Cs doping will give cesium tungsten bronze the most efficient absorption in the NIR region.

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Cs0.33WO3 applied for near-infrared absorption film image

Also, it is reported that Cs0.33WO3 has a greater solar shielding performance than ITO and ATO. And therefore Cs0.33WO3 nanopowder is often used to obtain high solar control performance in applications such as architectural films and automotive films. As an important dingal material to prepare near-infrared absorption film, Cs0.33WO3 is more and more popular. So, it is believed that cesium tungsten bronze will replace ATO and ITO in the near future. And it means that cesium tungsten bronze will have a wide application in heat insulation of buildings and automobiles. So, why not choose cesium tungsten bronze?

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