
Discoloration Tungsten Trioxide 3/3
Author:qiongyao    Source:chinatungsten online    Update Time:2015-12-23 14:48:16

Discoloration Tungsten Trioxide 3/3

Tungsten trioxide Gasochromic performance refers to a material in contact with the reaction gas, and produces color reaction on the occurrence of a certain wavelength of light absorbed by the reversible reaction. Comparison of the electrochromic system, Gasochromic system is simple, less influence factors are all solid material, a wide range of optical adjustment, easy to large-scale production, the device run without energy consumption, and therefore more practical applications. WO3 is not only typical of electrochromic material, is also a common gas-sensitive material is developed in recent years, gas electrochromic properties of semiconductor materials having excellent gas sensing performance.

WO3 gas commonly used in the photochromic performance polaron model to explain. Hydrogen molecules, for example, hydrogen molecules of a catalyst surface chemical adsorption decomposition; then along a film channel H diffusion, migration; WO3 reacts with polaron and H2O, H2O escape from a polaron lattice ( W5 ) to another lattice (W6 ) of "transition" led to the light absorption, produce Gasochromic. In W powder as raw material, through sol - doped WO3 nano-porous film of palladium legal gel and dip coating. UV - visible - NIR transmittance of the films in situ dynamic tests to analyze the impact of water on Gasochromic performance changes over time. The results showed that: After escaping the generated water adsorbed on the surface of the film, hindering gas diffusion and reaction with the catalyst; other gases adsorbed water contained in the membrane environment of toxic effect; a certain amount of water conservancy construction in the film diffusion of hydrogen ions, which will help the film fast coloration.

Tungsten powder and TEOS as raw material by sol - gel and spin coating method on a glass substrate prepared WO3-SiO2 nanocomposite films. WO3 thin film composite membrane and high-temperature processing will be Gasochromic performance tests show that change color in response to the rate of the composite film is faster than that of pure WO3 film. This is due to the high temperature treatment, doped SiO2 film structure with respect to undoped films looser, conducive to the spread of hydrogen. In tungsten hexachloride as raw materials, the introduction of suitable amphiphilic polymer template PS-co-PAAL, by sol - gel method than the regular porous WO3 films. It can be concluded that: the porous structure can improve the rate of diffusion of ions, a hydrogen atom, a corresponding increase Gasochromic speed.Discoloration of WO3 has a broad prospect, but there are some problems to overcome.

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ArticleInputer:qiongyao    Editor:qiongyao 
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