
Tungsten Market? No market? 3/3
Author:qiongyao    Source:Site author    Update Time:2015-12-22 18:12:21

Tungsten Market? No market? 3/3

China's tungsten products import relatively stable, in May 2012 imports of tungsten 488 tons, growth of 37.46%; January-May imports of tungsten 2209 tons, an increase of 5.59%. Which imported a total of 1,918 tons of tungsten concentrates, an increase of 2.1%, import regions including Russia, Canada, and Rwanda. The first half of 2012 China imported 2,659 tons of tungsten, an increase of 10%. According to the Nonferrous Metals Industry Association released data, in 2012 (65% tungsten trioxide) yield 10,531 tons, a decrease of 13%. 2010 and 2011 industry profits increased significantly supported by, in the case of continued weakness in market demand, China's mining enterprises still maintained a steady start, and no cut.

Future development of the world's tungsten industry depends on world economic development on the one hand demand for tungsten, on the other hand, depends on the development prospects of tungsten in new application areas, tungsten prospects in new application areas is more important. Currently, new applications include tungsten is noteworthy that the development of green bullets and melting reactor radiation shielding. From the world's tungsten supply and demand situation changes, the supply of tungsten increases the number of new sources of demand growth but little change in tungsten. The amount of tungsten carbide for use in the final of the biggest growth in demand in this regard tungsten varies depending on the development of the automotive industry, aviation industry, construction, mining, oil and gas drilling, the electronics manufacturing industry. In the arms industry, the use of lead in reducing the number, and the number is increasing the use of tungsten, tungsten consumption growth in sports equipment is also very fast. Metal injection increases the application tungsten copper alloy in the development of small electronic instrumentation casting technology.Application of Tungsten arms industry demand growth significantly change the impact of tungsten, 2000 US production of green ammunition tungsten consumption is almost zero, while the 2005 tungsten consumption in this area could reach 450 ~ 800t, 2006 will reach 2200 ~ 2700t, tungsten in the civilian aspects such as shotguns and ammunition applications also will increase by about 170t per year.

Future of the world tungsten production and supply most of the remains from China. China on the world tungsten supply situation will be the Chinese government for its tungsten production, export success of macro-control effects. China issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of tungsten products export quota license 16300t, before an export license quota 17000t decreased by 4%. Chinese government macro-control of its tungsten production, export license, in addition to reducing the total exports of tungsten products, will gradually reduce the export quota license ammonium paratungstate and tungsten oxide, while increasing high value-added products deep processing of tungsten metal powder and tungsten carbide powder export license quota.

Conclusion is that the more the market downturn, the more opportunities. Tungsten market will eventually return to the glorious summit.

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ArticleInputer:qiongyao    Editor:qiongyao 
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