
Advantages of Tungsten Copper Liner Materials
Author:yaqing    Source:Site author    Update Time:2015-12-9 17:52:49

Advantages of Tungsten Copper Liner Materials

Liner is regarded as the heart of a bomb,therefore,it’s crucial to choose liner materials. General perforating bullet liner shall have special requirements of thin-walled, large aspect ratio and so on. High-performance perforating bullet liner need to use the mixed powder of high tungsten formulations.Tungsten copper based powder is the more successful liners powder at present.among it,the tungsten powder has a higher density and greater sound speed,while copper powder has good ductility.The liner,prepared with tungsten copper based powders,has higher head speed and good continuity of the jet,and is suitable for preparing deep penetrating perforated bullet.

Preparing tungsten copper alloy liner skeleton by laser sintering technology,then infiltrating the copper with the hydrogen protection kept warm for 30 minutes at copper at 1150 degrees, after that you can get the tungsten copper liners which close to full densification,and the axial density distributed uniformly.The test proved that using laser sintering combined with infiltration process to prepare tungsten copper liner,which average penetration depth can be up to 988.7mm,improved by 52% than the penetration depth of conventional perforated bullet.

In the preparation process of tungsten copper alloy liners,the characteristics of the mixed powder of tungsten copper and tungsten powder particle composition,morphology and chemical composition,etc. Will have great effects on the cohesive results of liners,thus affecting the performance of perforating depth.

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ArticleInputer:yaqing    Editor:yaqing 
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