
Powder Properties Effects of Sintering Tungsten Copper Composite Materials
Author:yaqing    Source:Site author    Update Time:2015-12-8 16:10:19

Powder Properties Effects of Sintering Tungsten Copper Composite Materials

The main factors of powder properties that affect the tungsten copper composite materials sintering are the followings:

1.Effect of powder particle size
From the view of the perspective of the sintered particles system and intrinsic thermodynamic driving force,if the dense crystal existed in a form of a large number of finely divided particles,the particle system is bound to be in a high energy state,because it ntrinsically have a developed particles surface and excess surface energy compared with the same quality of crystal.The sintering is a process of transiting from high energy to low energy state.Particle system with excess surface energy is higher, the sintering the particle system into  dense crystal will be easier,and its activity will be greater.

2.Effect of powder uniformity and powder particle size matching uniformity
Ideal tungsten copper powder sintered materials only have the tungsten skeleton that distributed on the copper substrate evenly.Due to the high melting point and high hardness properties of tungsten,which makes this kind of materials obtain with such features of high abrasion resistance and thermosetting below the temperature of the copper melting point.The uniformity of powder particle size is a very important indicator for preparing high-performance tungsten copper composite,the sintered powder particle size is preferably limited to a smaller range.Meanwhile copper particle size also affects on the conductivity and strength of the composite,namely that copper is finer,its conductivity,bending strength and tensile elongation will be higher,but the notch impact strength decreased.If the the uniformity of tungsten powder particle size is not good,it would be easy to cause the enrichment of copper phase,and also directly affect the performance of the tungsten copper alloy.

3.The effect of powder purity
Brittleness is an important factor that affects the performance of tungsten alloy, while the segregation of impurity elements is the main reason,leading to the brittleness of tungsten alloy. From the perspective of the powder pressing process,the purity of the composite powder has great effect on pressing process. The higher the powder purity is,the easier the powder pressing will be, when manufacturing the high-density tungsten copper alloy,chemical composition of the powder greatly affects on its performance. Because most impurities were existed in the form of oxides.The metal oxide is hard and brittle,and existed on the metal powder surface.It will increase the pressing resistance of powder and make the pressing performance worse when pressing,moreover increased the elastic aftereffect of green compacts.Thus,the purity of the powder is particularly important.

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ArticleInputer:yaqing    Editor:yaqing 
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