
The Development Direction Of Anti-shock Tungsten Wire
Author:yucheng    Source:Site author    Update Time:2015-12-4 13:54:50

The Development Direction Of Anti-shock Tungsten Wire

Under the condition of the basic saturation of the tungsten market in the world,international market have become increasingly demanding for quality of anti-shock tungsten wire.It put forward  strict requirements to the wire diameter uniformity of anti-shock tungsten wire material and the uniformity of the grain structure after anti-shock tungsten wire material fully recrystallized.The development of seismic tungsten wire are facing the challenges of new technologies.The development of new technology to provide high performance anti-shock tungsten wire is a priority.The main content of the research and development which are including plastic brittle transition behavior of anti-shock tungsten wire,heat anti-shock performance,high strength characteristics,preparation process best optimization and so on.

Its development direction are including:
(1)To produce more refined and more purified doping material,improve the parameters of the restore process and expend the production of superfine material.
(2)Toughening research which mainly including the selection of doping conditions and the controling of dopant materials,especially researching the Strengthen of single element and composite element.
(3)Further studying the effect of bubble strengthening and dispersion strengthening.

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ArticleInputer:yucheng    Editor:yucheng 
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